Nematodes among us

Here you will find informative and useful information all about Nematodes from our very own Mark Crawford.

Nematodes among us

Sometimes you just don't know what is going on with your plants...

Are any of these symptoms ringing a bell: slow growing, wilted, spotty and yellowing leaves, intolerant to the heat, or low producing? Well check that root ball ... and if it looks knotty like the above picture then you have NEMATODES.

Not to worry, LHCG's friendly and extremely knowledgable garden manager, Mark Crawford, has some help for us!

The microscopic worms are not only the most abundant animal species on earth, they also make up four-fifths of animal life on this planet.
Below is a link to Mark's full presentation of the who, what, when and how of identifying, preventing and responding to nematodes. The presentation covers:
  1. What are nematodes?
  2. What are the symptoms?
  3. How to diagnose?
  4. How to treat and control?
  5. An "real life" example of the problem and response from a LHCG plot.
  6. Soil pathology test and how to use the results
  7. List of additional resources.

Go to the presentation HERE!

Marigolds are a good repellant for nematodes!
Thank you Mark Crawford for putting together this comprehensive document and sharing it with our community!